PBL Project - Grp 03

Digital Financial Cyber-Shield! Cryptos & NFT's OTP Frauds Undiscovered Frauds |

The Ultimate Guide for your Secure Existance on the Internet!

The Ultimate Digital Financial Cyber Shield

Especially favourable compliment for Newbies to Finance and investments


A non-fungible token (NFT) is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain, a form of digital ledger, that can be sold and traded.


Cyber Criminals Usually as for Payment Via NFT to be secure.


A cryptocurrency is an encrypted data string that denotes a unit of currency. 


As Crypto is a decentralized System no government or Law Agency can help to take back the Digitally Looted amount from the Criminal

OTP Scams

OTP are usually asked from various Unkown Sources and used to withdraw the bank Accounts

OTP Scams

OTPs are Asked from unkown sources pretending to be Bank Personnel.

DeepFake AI

DeepFake AI is used to represent an identity with does'nt exist in real world and Manipulate the Victim with the Technology.

Generative AI

Frauds Like generating AI Voice & AI Video using Generative and DeepFake AI

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PBL Project By (SE-AIML) 2023-24

Anjali, Sayali, Darshana, Sourabh

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Digital Financial CyberShield

– Cyber Crimes

– Blogs

– RBI Guidelines

© 2024 Created by Anjali, Sayali, Darshana, Sourabh



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